Open betas are there to help games flush out a lot of their issues before the general public gets ahold of them. This kind of discovery is the whole point of doing these kinds of tests, but there is some quality that should be in place already. So, when it was reported that Diablo 4 was already having a problem with the number of players, it was surprising and disappointing at the same time. This discovery also shows that this game could have problems in the future if this isn’t resolved quickly.
What is the main issue with Diablo 4?
Given that this game has just entered beta testing, I am sure it will have various issues, but that is a moot point if people can’t even play the game. That is the main issue, as when the beta test began for Diablo 4, everything seemed to be working fine. People logged on and found that they had a long to potentially more than two-hour long wait. That is a lot, but not out of the ordinary for testing a game of this type.
This issue then began when people started to actually play the game. They would finish waiting and then be put into the game. Within that playtime, players suddenly started finding themselves ejected from the game. A swarm of complaints followed swiftly, and Blizzard was forced to reevaluate the game and how to fix it.
Why has this glitch occurred?
While this was confusing for both players and devs at first, the devs seemed to have figured out what was causing it. The glitch seems to be because of the sheer number of people currently playing the game. While it is common for a game to slow when there is an excess of players, kicking them out is very rare. So, for a big title from Blizzard to be having this issue, there is a lot they have to fix and fast.
In the case of this glitch, the Devs are using a temporary measure where they are limiting the number of players. This patch will work in the meantime, but it is only temporary, and Blizzard knows it. So, we can bet that they are working on a more permanent solution that we will see in a few weeks. Even with that solution on the way, though, this does leave questions.
What does this mean for the future of Diablo?
Well, this did happen very early into the Beta, but it is still concerning that it happened at all. This glitch wasn’t just a small error in code, as that is what the beta test is really supposed to look for, but it was a massive glitch in a fairly large-budget game. This more than likely means a big overhaul to fix the issues that caused this but also more revaluation. They will probably have to look at all of their systems and ensure that something like this won’t happen again. It isn’t the best-case scenario, but it could have been worse. With any luck though this will all be put behind us and the game will flourish from this point on.