No Man’s Sky has added two new updates to the game over the last few months that have drastically changed and improved gameplay. So, no matter whether you have been wanting to try the game for the first time or have been wanting to return, this is a great time to do it. In particular, we will look at the outlaw update and the leviathan update.
First, we will look at the new leviathan update that just came out on May 25th, 2022. This update is a limited-time event that will only run for six weeks, but the items from it will remain in the game after. This update featured a new game mode that changed a few different gameplay features.
For starters, the game has you travel to something called the anomaly, a disruption in time that, upon entering, traps you in it. From here, the game resets whenever you die to when you enter the anomaly forming a time loop. The only way to escape this time loop is to complete the event and hunt the Levithan.
To aid you with those objectives, you will have access to new loot drops in the form of memory fragments. These will reset every time you restart the loop, so each run-through will be quite different. These can be upgraded by the joint efforts of all the players by visiting Specialist Polo. All of the research that players do stack together, so everyone is helping each other out the more research is done.

The leviathan is a gigantic creature of galactic legend between an octopus and a whale. It is one of the end game objectives for the event and is also when of the rewards after beating the event. If you complete the event, the leviathan becomes a frigate in your fleet. Some rewards you can get for this event are a leviathan cape, a special drive trail for your ship, and even a leviathan calf for your base.
The other update that has come out recently is the outlaw update. This added various features to the game that seems to be sticking around for the long haul. If you ever wanted to be a galactic smuggler, these will be featured. You are going to want to take a look at them.
Smuggling was the first major item added to the game of the many great features in this patch. It allows you to buy contraband from the outlaw station and then sell it at official stations. You can buy a ton of contraband and load it onto your ship, but this increases your chance of being caught and pursued by sentinels. You can also just steal contraband by attacking both outlaw and regular freighters.
Suppose you don’t feel like becoming an outlaw, then you can explore some of the story missions on outlaw stations and even partake in the blight expedition. This expedition is an event where you will learn about and take on a legendary pirate crew known as the blight. So, there are various events if you don’t want to be a smuggler.
In addition to these, there has been some improved functionality added to the game as well in this update. Most notably, the developers have upgraded the number of ships you can own to nine, and you may now recruit wingmen for your missions. Combat has also seen major improvements adding new effects and animation for space combat. You can also carry different weapon load outs and even have to do fights in the atmosphere. So, there is much for new and returning fans to get excited about with no man’s sky.
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